Decrease Stress with Positive Self-Talk


Carol Moehrle

Days that seem overwhelming and too full of activities and pressure can be common in our lives. Stress from work, family, or world events can cause a heaviness that leaves us feeling overwhelmed.

I had a heavy week recently. I felt overwhelmed by day-to-day demands and the effort required just to get through. I couldn’t seem to pull myself up and get over the tiredness the stress was causing. Then I took a closer look at myself from the inside out. My workload had not really changed. My daily routine had not been altered. My family had not changed, nor had my friends. I realized the only thing that had changed was my self-talk about how I was feeling.

I had let myself think things were overwhelming. I had let my body respond to the mental pressure I was putting on myself. I had been perpetuating the stress with my thoughts, and I didn’t like the feelings at all.

As soon as I realized I had no additional burdens that were causing the stress, I changed the way I was thinking. I once again told myself that everything was okay. I didn’t need to feel overwhelmed or stressed. I knew how to handle this, like I had done a million times before.

Change the narrative in your mind to the positive, and repeat those positive thoughts. Using affirmations or positive self-talk can and does influence your outlook on life.

If you need some suggestions, here are some of my favorite affirmations:

“I can do this.”
“I am calm.”
“I am happy.”
“I am focused.”
“This is easy.”

If you are feeling stressed, change your mental narrative and refocus on the positive. You will be amazed at the result.


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