Create a New Habit


Carol Moehrle

Habits are familiar in an uncertain world.

In a world of uncertainty we often fall back on our old, comfortable, familiar habits to deal with our stress. These old habits come easy and provide us a sense of security when we are bombarded with change and a lack of clear direction.

We often think of habits as being bad. I would challenge each of you to think of the good habits you have, the ones that help you in stressful times. I love to bake. It's very therapeutic for me and brings me calm and peace in a busy life. Baking is a comfortable habit for me. I find that I often bake when I'm stressed or when new or stressful things are going on around me. I want to comfort those feelings, and baking takes me to a calm, comfortable place.

What habits do you have that are comfortable? What makes you feel secure? Do you take long walks or talk to a friend? Do you work with your hands or sing to yourself? Sometimes we have to develop new habits to replace those that aren't as healthful. It takes time for new habits to become ingrained in our thoughts and our behaviors, so give it time to become familiar. As you are developing a new habit, focus your thoughts and energy on making it positive. 

Habits help us balance the uncertainty around us. Develop and focus on your positive habits to help you cope with the ever-changing world. 



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