COVID-19 Routines and Face Coverings


Carol Moehrle

How is everyone doing this week?

During this new reality we are living in, it helps to develop a routine for each day. Our brains and our bodies feel better when we have a routine established.

  • Eat healthy food, and stick to a meal schedule
  • Get regular sleep
  • Exercise every day
  • Laugh at something each day
  • Don’t forget to Breathe!

This weekend the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) advised that cloth face coverings should be considered for times when we must leave our homes, for groceries, prescriptions, or critical needs. Since we may be contagious up to 3 days before our symptoms start, wearing a face covering will capture your cough and sneeze so it doesn’t reach others in the community.

There are many examples and patterns of cloth face coverings on social media and Pinterest. If you don’t sew, don’t worry. There are examples of folding techniques that will be just as effective. Most important to know it that the face cloth should cover your nose and mouth and fit as closely to your face as possible.

Now the tricky part. We are not accustomed to wearing a face cover, and most will automatically want to touch their face more. Touching your face more will only increase the chances of spreading the virus. Try not to touch your face while putting the cloth on and taking it off.

The best technique:

  • WASH your hands before putting the face covering on.
  • Do NOT touch your face or eyes while you are wearing the covering.
  • WASH your hands before you take off the face covering.
  • Once you take it off, wash the covering in hot water and dry thoroughly before you wear it again.
  • WASH your hands after placing the face cloth in the laundry.

Remember: Wearing a cloth face covering does not change our Stay at Home orders, or the 6 foot rule. Staying at home is still our most effective measure in preventing the spread of the virus.

Please continue to do everything you can to take care of you and your circle of family and neighbors.


Carol Moehrle

The COVID-19 Updates are as close to real-time as we can make them to provide you with the most up-to-date information.

Because of this, the text is raw and unedited.

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