COVID 19—Proceed with Caution


Carol Moehrle

Happy May everyone. We have so much to be happy for, even during this pandemic. The sun still shines, the days are getting longer and the spring flowers are popping with colors of yellow and red and orange.

I know everyone is tired of the isolation and the separation that has come with this Coronavirus. As States begin to open up slowly and allowing more gatherings and businesses to open, we are all excited to be out and about and getting back to our pre-COVID routines.

Now, more than ever, we need to be extra cautious. This virus does a good job hiding in the population. There is a large group of people who have minimal or no symptoms, but still carry the virus. These asymptomatic people are shedding the virus, which can be lethal to others.

We can’t fight an enemy we can’t see, but we can outsmart it. We have defenses to use against the virus. Soap and water are our best defense. Alcohol wipes and hand sanitizer help fight this virus. Wearing a face covering will help you from spreading the virus and will protect you and those around you.

Our best strategy for fighting this virus is simply taking precautions to avoid being exposed and getting the virus. Limit social interactions and practice social distancing (the 6 foot rule). Practice good hygiene such as hand washing. Cover your cough if you have one, and stay home if you are feeling ill.

Today I’m happy that we can fight this virus while keeping safe and healthy.
Find something to be happy about today and each day in May.

Carol Moehrle

The COVID-19 Updates are as close to real-time as we can make them to provide you with the most up-to-date information.

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