Constant Kindness


Carol Moehrle

Constant kindness can accomplish much. As the sun makes ice melt, kindness causes misunderstanding, mistrust, and hostility to evaporate.
—Albert Schweitzer

Kindness, practiced every day, becomes a habit, and positive habits can change our lives and the lives of everyone around us. When we think of the energy of the sun and its strength and intensity melting ice, we can understand that with the same amount of intensity, kindness can change your world.

Being kind is a character trait we learn as children but can forget as we become entrenched in our adult lives. Just like the sun, simple acts of kindness can melt away mistrust and hostility. They can improve relationships and help us and those around us focus on the good and positive aspects of each other and life.

Practice kindness every day and see what happiness it brings to your life.



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