Choose Happiness


Carol Moehrle

Happiness is an inside job.  Don't assign anyone else that much power over your life.
—Mandy Hale

I've been in a funk, which is unusual for me since I am typically one who wears rose-colored glasses.

Perhaps it's because of the weather, the loss of my dad, missing my sisters, or being tired of the same old routine at work. Whatever the reason, I decided I needed to do some personal reflection to see what was going on.

When I read the above quote, it became crystal clear.  My funk hasn't been caused by events or by other people. Sure, I know that people and events influence how I feel and how I process what's going on in my life, but I'm determined not to let circumstances have power over my happiness. Happiness starts on the inside of each one of us. It's how we talk to ourselves every day and how we mentally frame the situations around us.

I choose to be happy. I choose to make decisions that will make me happy. I will find balance in my feelings and choose to make changes if necessary.

Happiness is an inside job. It starts and stops only with me.

Today I choose happiness.



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