

Carol Moehrle

Burnout: a blazing consumption leading to devastation and rubble and ash as the ruins and remains of the burn.

In most of us, burnout is not quick or instantaneous. Rather it’s a slow smolder that starts within as we cover it up, trying to ignore the smoke.

Ultimately, the blaze ignites and the smoke becomes flames. These flames can touch us physically or emotionally, and our bodies have no choice but to react.

If we are unaware, or choose to ignore the signs and symptoms of burnout, the results can be devastating. The body and mind remain in a constant state of alarm, which ultimately leads to internal weakness and threats to our well-being.

Are you feeling stressed and burned out?

Recognizing the signs of burnout is critical to stopping the process. Are you having trouble sleeping? Do you feel exhausted in the morning and dread getting up and going to work? Do the smallest issues at work set you off in a rage or cause you to withdraw from the situation? Do you continually have negative thoughts and act negatively toward those around you, at work and at home?

Take stock of your health. Do you have headaches and an upset stomach all the time? Is your blood pressure too high? Are you eating the wrong foods? These are just a few of the possible signs of impending burnout.

Don’t let life consume you like a smoldering fire. Find your balance, give yourself permission to reassess your current activities, and get professional help if necessary. Take steps to make positive changes, and start living and loving your life again.


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