The Beauty of Our Surroundings


Carol Moehrle

Spring brings flowers and the budding of new growth on trees and plants. Yards begin to show the tint of green grass, and colors begin to sprout from the earth.

Beauty in nature is all around us, but often goes unnoticed. It’s easy to ignore the changes when we are so busy with life. We assume we can do this another time, or it will be there tomorrow. But we need to take each day and see the beauty that surrounds us.

Take time to notice the changes. Take time to witness the evolution of the budding trees and flowers. They change quickly, and the beauty is gone if we don’t take time to pause and take in our surroundings.

Here’s a quick exercise to help you focus on your surroundings.

  1. Take a deep breath in. Hold it. Then slowly exhale.
  2. Slowly look around. Focus on one thing. Notice the multitude of colors around you. Notice the combination of textures that create the depth of the colors. Notice the shadows and the sun’s rays. Notice the balance or irregularities in your view.

Whether you are outside or looking out a window, you can see the beauty of your surroundings. Focus on your surroundings and witness their ever-changing beauty.


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