

Carol Moehrle

When I think of balance, I imagine walking a narrow path while trying not to falter.

The balance beam used to be easy for me. As a child, we practiced walking and doing gymnastics on that narrow piece of wood. As I've gotten older, it’s been harder to stay on that narrow path. With age and flexibility changes, I have found that I need to widen my stance to maintain balance. Widening my stance offers support and reassurance that moving forward is safe and secure. 

Whether you are literally walking on a balance beam or balancing work, family, and life issues, perhaps it’s time you also widened your path. Increasing the resources around you allows you to find a new balance. These resources could include finding a person to lean on or just to support you until you find the strength within to balance again. It could include granting yourself a much-needed break from the daily pressures, to allow you to gain some mental balance. Or it could be building an exercise routine to reduce your stress, which will help you find balance.

Balance is critical in our lives. Finding your balance may require support from a co-worker or friend. It may require you to reach out to other family members for support and relief. Widening our path is a tool that is waiting for each of us. We just need to reach out and ask another to help in the process.

Widen your stance and find balance in life. You can do it!


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