Another Day of Opportunities


As we prepare for another new day, we often think of the difficult or unpleasant tasks that we’ll have to deal with. Just thinking of them can cause stress. If we focus on anticipating the worst of the day, we may reinforce our thoughts into actions and have a stressful day.  

If we turn those thoughts into positive ideas and words, we can change how we deal with the day ahead. Consider that each day is really an opportunity to start over. We are given a new day to embrace the events around us and focus on making it the best day ever. If we focus on the word opportunity, our minds will be opened to an unimaginable slate of possibilities. Start each day by seeing it as a new opportunity.

An opportunity to

  • show yourself you can do this.
  • greet each challenge that arises with a smile, even if you have to paste one on.
  • learn and grow in your own strength and wisdom.
  • share with and teach others.
  • love the day for the potential it holds.

Rather than dreading the work of a new day, embrace it with a calm, positive attitude and your day will have endless new opportunities.


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