Does Your Voice Smile?


Carol Moehrle

Have you ever closed your eyes and just listened to the voices around you? Whether we are in a coffee shop, grocery store, break room, or somewhere else, we can tune in to different voices and the tone that resonates from their words.

We hear strong, dominant voices and singsong voices. We can hear people who are happy and those who are upset. Can you hear the voices that are smiling? It’s true that people who are smiling have a different tone to their voice. Their voice smiles too.

Try this little exercise: Pull out your cell phone and record your typical “I can’t answer the phone right now” message. Or play the current message you have recorded. Listen to it with your eyes closed. What do you hear?

Record it again, but this time smile while you do so. Now listen to this version. What do you hear? Most people’s tone of voice is noticeably different when they smile while talking. Which one would you rather hear on the phone? If this “happy voice” is recognizable on the phone, how do you think it sounds to people in the same room?

As parents and teachers, we sometimes need to use a stern, forceful voice to get everyone’s attention. Just remember to use your smiling voice for other conversations. A smile has incredible power over your attitude and your image, and influences everyone around you. As you talk on the phone or to someone in person, don’t forget to “put a smile in your voice.”


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