

Carol Moehrle

Wrinkles should merely indicate where the smiles have been.
—Mark Twain


You can’t help but notice all the ads and endorsements for miracle creams that profess to make you look and feel years younger than you really are. Social media is so littered with these ads that it’s hard to get away from them, and the companies that manufacture them can hardly wait for you to sign up for an endless supply of their latest product.

Not one to worry about the aging process, I figure we all are fortunate to be aging together. But when I read this Mark Twain quotation, I immediately thought, This should be on the label of every miracle cream.

“Wrinkles should merely indicate where the smiles have been.” You can cover, smear, pat, rub, dab at, and scrub those wrinkles, but inevitably they will still be there every time you smile.

So here’s my advice: wear your wrinkles with pride—and smile!


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