Find the Inspiration in You


Carol Moehrle

The inspiration you seek is already within you.  Be silent and listen.  

Where do you find your inspiration? Do you look for a good motivational book that gives you thoughts to contemplate? Do you attend a worship service and find inspiration from a religious connection? Perhaps you find inspiration from a thought leader.

We all need inspiration in our lives. We often look around us and see situations and feel emotions that cause us to pause and think deeply. These events and situations can cause a change in our thoughts and a reaction that may inspire us to make change in our own lives.

What we often forget is that we all have the potential to inspire others and ourselves. Our positive attitudes, actions, reactions, and emotions show our inner strengths and capabilities. They send a positive image to others and create a sense of well-being in each of us. 

With the constant chatter around us, we often forget to listen to the voice in our mind that gives us positive inspiration. We don't make the time to turn off the noise and the stimulation, to spend time in silence to listen to our own thoughts. If we listen, we will learn that we have the inspiration we need to move our lives ahead in a positive way. 

Remember to build in some silence and time to listen each day. You may be surprised by the inspiration you find.


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