Declutter Your Thoughts


Carol Moehrle

Are you holding on to negative thoughts and feelings from the past? If so, it's time to purge the clutter that is blocking your ability to move on. Such a purge can happen if you acknowledge that you want to quit hoarding the negative and give yourself permission to forgive, forget, and move forward.

Once you’ve made space for new thoughts, be mindful of what you allow back in. Tell yourself that only positive, supportive thoughts are allowed to reenter the decluttered space.

Positive thoughts bring a calm, light balance to your life and help you cope with everyday events. Take the time to declutter your negative thoughts. It will give you a chance to focus anew on being positive and happy.

After you get rid of the negative clutter, you will feel empowered to start focusing on the positive in your life.

Start your decluttering today!


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