A Heart That Loves


Carol Moehrle

A heart that loves is always young. 
Greek Proverb

Have you ever been in love? I hope so. Whether you are 25 or 75 years old, it's amazing what love does to your heart, your head, and your health.

Being in love shows. People who are in love show a happiness and uplifting attitude toward themselves and others. Being in love makes your heart feel happy and healthy.

Our dad married our second mom when he was 63 years old. With this new love in his heart, he instantly became young again. He had a spring in his step, an easy smile, and a glow of wellness. His new love made him and kept him young.

I look at my own life and know that I have fallen in love several times. I fell in love first when I was four years old and wanted to marry my dad. I fell in love with my husband 36 years ago. I fell in love with my grandchildren when they were born seven and five years ago. Each time my heart has enlarged and grown, and each time it has helped me feel younger.

My wish for each of you is that throughout your life you find love that embraces your heart and keeps you young.


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