4. Materials

Accumulating and organizing materials for Math by Myself, Math with Someone, and Math Writing is the final element in preparing a student-centered classroom.

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4.1 Students need an appropriate number of good-fit math tools.

  • A variety of math tools are available to support student learning and understanding of all students.

4.2 Materials storage

  • Math tools are stored in community bins or individual toolkits. Options for toolkits include a small plastic tub, zippered pouch, Ziploc bag, shoe box, and more.
  • Gameboards are stored in binders or folders, readily available to students.

4.3 Math materials are available to students.

  • Math tools and gameboards are stored in a student-friendly location, available for use as needed.

4.4 Expectations for tool use are communicated to students.

  • Foundation lesson “Tools, Not Toys” is taught.

  • Expectations for getting out and putting away materials are clearly communicated through the use of an anchor chart.

  • Students know where to retrieve necessary writing utensils and what to do if they need to replace them.

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