Build In Supports from Day One

Give students a strong foundation for learning and literacy growth.

Use structure and choice strategically.

Good-Fit Books

Students who choose books in tune with their interests and ability make real progress.

Spend 10 minutes watching a teacher lead her students in a discussion about why and how to choose books that are a good fit.



Differentiated Instruction

The Daily 5 classroom management framework for teaching literacy and independent learning behavior

The CAFE Literacy System as a method of instruction, a system for organizing data, and a menu that serves as a visual aid for students

Math Daily 3 classroom management framework that gives students hands-on opportunities to explore math concepts

Live and Online Training

LIVE Daily 5 + Math Daily 3 and CAFE Workshops: How to launch and sustain each method.

LIVE Behavior Strategies Workshops: Create engaged learners and reduce behavior challenges.

ONLINE Classroom Design, Daily 5, CAFE, and Math Daily 3

ONLINE Quick Start: prepare and launch Daily 5 and CAFE. Limited-time offering!

All Training Opportunities

Daily 5 Research

Daily 5 White Paper

Daily 5 is a simple but powerful structure that

  • enables teachers to spend less time on classroom management and more time teaching;
  • helps students develop independence, stamina, and accountability;
  • provides students with an abundant amount of time for practicing reading, writing, and math;
  • increases the amount of time teachers spend with students one-on-one and in small groups; and
  • improves schoolwide achievement and success in literacy and math.

A wealth of resources in the form of articles, lesson plans, activities, and videos will help you launch and sustain this simple yet powerful structure in your own classroom. Discover, like so many teachers around the world have, that you can move from a harried classroom toward a relaxed one that hums with productive and engaged learners.

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Click on any of these articles about good-fit books and Daily 5 to get started!

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