Using the Math Daily 3 Structure with Your Curriculum


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Math Daily 3 is a framework for the math block that incorporates brief focus lessons, choice, authentic application, and student practice. It is designed to chunk instruction into two or three focus lessons (I do/we do/you do for three lessons, or I do/we do and we do/you do for two lessons), and provides student choice in completing a variety of math tasks to reinforce learning. The two or three focus lessons cover one concept and are separated by sessions of Math Daily 3. 

When using the Math Daily 3 framework, content comes from your math curriculum and standards. Teachers often ask how to make their curriculum fit within the framework of Math Daily 3. This is done by taking our typically lengthy math lesson and using what we know about brain research, and chunking the lesson into two or three parts. For these short focus lessons, we use a gradual release model. This research-based model provides time for group exploration and instruction, teacher modeling, and individual practice as students learn new mathematical concepts and skills. During Math Daily 3, whole-group focus lessons can be taught in the order that best supports students in their learning process.

As we plan our instruction, it helps to have a plan for the week. The template we use helps us think through and plan, dividing the longer lesson in the math curriculum into two or three brain-compatible bursts of instruction. The template consists of the math concept being taught, the vocabulary necessary to support the concept, space for up to three components of the lesson, a place for notes to consider, and a place to list any activities that could be added to the math board that support the concept. This template helps us meet the learning target while keeping focus lessons intentional and brief.

Like Daily 5, Math Daily 3 provides a structure that produces highly engaged, motivated students who work toward group and individual goals with independence and stamina, and frees us up to support them fully along the way.

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