Launching Math with Someone


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Each time we watch a video, we try to look at it differently in an effort to gather more information and learn more. As you watch Karen Shannon launch Math with Someone in her third-grade classroom, we invite you to view it with different lenses or purposes. Here are three suggestions to focus your viewing that will help you deepen your learning.

  1. Focus on Karen's use of the 10 Steps to Teaching and Learning Independence.
    Notice that Karen follows the same 10 steps as she launches Math with Someone that are used with launching the Daily 5. What do you notice that she does differently?
  2. Focus on the creation of the I-chart.
    Karen introduces the I-chart as a T-chart and records some unique behaviors geared specifically toward her class this year.  What unique behaviors do you have on your I-charts this year that are tailored to your specific students? How might you alter your future I-charts?
  3. Notice the respectful strategies she uses to manage elements of the group discussion such as interruptions and students with the same ideas.
    What other management strategies did you observe in this video? What are your go-to respectful group discussion strategies?



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