Daily 5 Do-Overs—End-of-the-Year Reflection


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Daily 5 Do-Overs

End-of-the-year reflections allow us the time to recall with satisfaction the amazing growth our students made over the course of their time with us. In addition, there are inevitably things that didn’t go as well as we had hoped. By considering to those things that transpired into less-than-desirable results, we are able to capitalize upon the seasonal nature of the school calendar.

With a clear beginning to the year and a definitive end, educators have the luxury of what I call "do-overs," things we want to adjust and change about our teaching. Because of the cycle of a school year, we have the opportunity to start fresh with new focus and do it better next year. Pinpointing areas of our instruction we want to do over allows for a focused plan for summer PD as well as intention setting for the new school year. 

Think about the following components of Daily 5. As you review each one ask yourself these questions:

  • What went smoothly?
  • What was not as successful as you had hoped, making you want to learn more about it so you can make adjustments next year?

Read to Self

Work on Writing

Word Work

Listen to Reading

Read to Someone

Other Daily 5 Components

After reflecting on the Daily 5, creating a PD plan for summer becomes clearer.

When writing on your reflection page, it is helpful to highlight specific areas you want to learn more about and where you want to refine your skills. 

To help you get started, look at your own reflection page and put keywords of your topic into the search engine (above). You will find articles, videos, and downloads to guide your learning.

By taking advantage of the Bookmark function on the website, you can organize the content into the areas you want to focus on. Here is a screenshot that gives you an example of what that might look like.

I hope you will join in next week as we dig into the reflection and PD planning for CAFE and Math Daily 3, followed later this summer by setting intentions for the new school year.

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