What Is Your Walk-Up Song?


Allison Behne

July 14, 2023

Sometimes a funny video shared on social media can go a long way toward creating smiles and laughter. A few weeks ago I came across a video of a youth baseball team whose mothers had played a joke on them by changing their walk-up songs. It was all in good fun, and even the young players found the humor in the situation, which is evident in this video that has gone viral.

I watched the video a few times and shared it with some friends, laughing and wishing I had thought of it myself when my son was younger. And, as I watched it, I couldn’t help but think a little more deeply about the significance of a walk-up song.

It is pretty common in baseball to hear a song played as a new batter walks to the plate or a new pitcher takes the mound. The song is typically chosen by the player because of its beat or lyrics and is referred to as their walk-up song. These walk-up songs help fans identify players and can bring excitement and energy to the game.

How fun would it be to apply this same concept to our classrooms? What if we asked our students to choose their own walk-up song and then created a playlist that highlights the different personalities in the room? Of course, it would be important to screen the lyrics to make sure each song is appropriate, but the result would be a playlist that truly reflects the personality of the class.

When could you use such a playlist?

  • You could use it in the morning as students enter the classroom.
  • You could use it in the afternoon as students leave.
  • You could use it in the middle of the day as a brain break (a one-minute dance party).
  • You could use a 10-second clip of a student’s song to introduce them before they present or share.
  • You could use the shuffle feature on a playlist as a way to choose a student for an activity.

Those are just a few ideas, and I am sure as you read this, you will think of others. And, whatever you do, don’t forget to include your own song!

Looking for some inspiration? Here are some favorites of our team at Teach Daily.

Walking on Sunshine, Katrina and the Waves
It’s a Beautiful Day, Michael Bublé
Can’t Stop Us Now, Pitbull
On Top of the World, Imagine Dragons

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