Eyes and Ears by Seymour Simon


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Someone on the discussion board asked how they might incorporate nonfiction books when using CAFE. It's an important question because we know that it is critical that students be able to utilize strategies when engaged with nonfiction text.

One of our go-to authors for nonfiction is the wonderful Seymour Simon, author of over 250 science books. The diagrams, photos, and writing in this selection enhance the learning experience of the reader as they learn how it is that we are able to see and hear. Possible Strategy Instruction:

  • C: Ask questions thoughout the reading process.
  • C: Use text features.
  • A: Recognize words at sight.
  • A: Skip the word, then come back.
  • F: Reread text.
  • E: Use dictionaries, thesauruses, and glossaries.
  • E: Use prior knowledge and context to predict and confirm meaning.

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